About trust.

Can we save others?
Yes and no.
If somebody is about to drown in the water, we can jump into the water to save the person’s life.

But what if somebody “drowns” on another level?
What can we do?
Can we do something?

Yes, we can and yet it is out of our control.
We can stand by ourselves and try.
But it will be never more than a try.
Just because we want to help it isn’t said the other person will be saved.

I guess this is one of our many questions we will not find an answer to.
The question “Why?”, the theodicy question, is a question we often can not answer.
We stand there and have simply no answer to it.
Challenging for our mind, making us feeling helpless in the highest degree, yet we have no choice than to accept it.

Maybe it is a reminder to us that we have no control.
What can we control?
If at all, very little.

Why not living right now letting go of the alleged control?
What would such a life look like?

Maybe less worrisome. Maybe we would be more in the present moment.
Life is anyhow never somewhere else than in the Now.

Do we need control?
We often develop wanting to have as much control as possible out of childhood traumas.
Yet it doesn’t help us once we are grown up.

Life withdraws from our controlling.
And gives us a big gift: We have to learn to trust.

If we could control anything, we wouldn’t learn to trust.

We would make wars against everybody and everything which isn’t under our control.

Maybe one of the biggest gifts of humanity is trust.
Without trust we couldn’t move an inch.

How to trust? How to trust in a world as it is?

Maybe through letting go. Letting go of the alleged control, since it isn’t helping us anyway.

And to see what happens.

That is the first step to trust for me.
The moment we let go, space for something new opens up in front of us.

Something new can grow:
Trust in something higher than us, larger than the reality we see.

Trees and Undergrowth, Van Gogh (1887)
Credits to: Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam (Vincent van Gogh Foundation)